Words by Michael Montgomery.
Whoa! A new article on Fist Full of Music?! Yes, it’s been a hell of a long time, but I recently experienced something that needs to be shared. Seeing that this blog has a bigger following than my personal blog (*cough* moderateinmoderation.wordpress.com) it’s best posted here so more people can find out about the wonderful experience known as The Beautiful Project.
The Beautiful Project, captained by Michael Ciavatta, features a collection of genuine people radiating their good vibes and various heartfelt messages to anyone who needs, or wants a heaping helping of happiness. This is the second time The Beautiful Project has come together, with some new and welcome additions. Hosted at the Washington Theater, it features songs, stories and poems shared by local artists and intellectuals. I can genuinely say that there was more talent and soul in Theater Number 2 than I knew existed in the tri-state area.
Each performer had their own way of sharing their feelings, some read poems, some sang songs, and there was even a fair share of screaming and stoping, which I’m a bit of a sucker for. The ideas were all the same, however. They spread a thought of peace, confidence, acceptance and love. Love for all walks of life. Many a performer reminded the audience that love can be shared by everyone, for anyone. Any sexual orientation, race or gender. These artists made the flies on the wall of this room feel at home and accepted.
The performers all had their own spark, they all conveyed a wonderful message to everyone. A few people stood out to me during the show, however. Firstly, Lauren Caldwell and Lianna Gatto... are you kidding me? Lauren Caldwell could give Regina Spektor something to envy. While Ms. Gatto could bring down any club, concert hall, or arena in the country. Michael Hunt and Leighanna Ternosky play mellow duets with subtle soul and hypnotizing vocals. The youngsters of the bunch, Zach Curley and Julia Frost played an awesome cover of “The Air Near My Fingers” by The White Stripes, as a huge ‘Stripes fan, it was very welcome. Tyler Mahler, another high schooler, sang an excellent, a cappella, rendition of Nina Simone’s “Feeling Good”. I can honestly say, it was the best $5 I’ve spent in a very long time.
Keep an eye out for future events on The Beautiful Project’s tour, appropriately titled “The Loving Room”. It’s an incredible thing to see. These kids spread an infectious feeling of love and appreciation everyone. So infectious, it made me drive home (singing), hop on my computer and write this article. I definitely want to become involved in the future. In the meantime, this is me involving myself. Thanks again to everyone who made this possible. Stay Beautiful.
Additional shout out to; Dylan Sprayberry, Acoustic Insurgents, Chris Lenning, Alex Grambor, Father Scardo, Robert Blake, Kyle Wilder and the rest of the awesome people who made this possible.
~~Pictures (maybe video!) will be posted soon.~~
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